Monday, March 28, 2005


Hey team - I've been trying to figure out how to leave "audio blogs" so that I can post audio messages from anywhere using my cell phone. Haven't gotten it to work yet but boy will it be cool when I do.

2 great thoughts for today about SURRENDERING YOUR LIFE TO GOD from a book I'm reading called The Glorious Pursuit...

1. "People who live on the surface of life are ruled by circumstances, but surrender lifts us above the momentary stream of events." I wrote in the margin, "I don't want to live on the surface of things." The Bible tells us that those who surrender to the Lord, "will gain new strength to mount up with wings like eagles." Too many of us (myself most of all) are drowning in the "stream" of the moment because we are flying way too low. Streams are shallow, no eagle should drown in one...and yet we fail so many times to let surrender to God lift us up.

2. "The measure of true faith is not how easy (or difficult) life becomes; it's how we maintain a spirit of surrender through the ups and downs of everyday living." We often wrongly assume that faith leads to blessing after blessing making us all healthy, wealthy, and happy. Sometimes I catch myself trying to prove the stength my faith by calculating the value of my blessings...I was also disgusted to realize that I unconsciously evaluate the faith of others based on the amount of "blessing" I perceive in thier lives. True men of faith are always entrusted with good health, good reputation, a big house, and perfect family...THIS IS A LIE. True men of faith are surrendered to God whether their lives are filled with suffering or filled with sunshine...they just keep surrending (finding incomparable joy and peace I might add) every day no matter what because they know and trust God.

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