Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lollipops & Easter Eggs...

Sweet Cara hosted playgroup at her house on Monday. She planned for the boys to go on an Easter Egg hunt in the backyard & the mommies wanted to try for another group picture like we did last year at Easter.

Brittney had the brilliant idea to bring lollipops to lure the boys into sitting still. I must say, it worked great, and we got some precious pictures!! We were so sad to be missing Amy & Porter, so we might have to get a shot of P with his lollipop & photo-shop him right in...can you do that??

Thanks Cara!! You were the best hostess :) We can't wait to meet baby Grant!

First of all, a shot of Chapman hunting Easter eggs...check out that face!!

here is our shot from last year...

and here is this these boys!! (Cara took these!!)

here are a few from my camera...Chapman & Quinn

Chap, Quinn, Tanner & Reid

where's Hudson??

and some individual shots :)


Adventures in Sepia Tone said...

Alli! These are the cutest pix ever!!! Where did Brittney get these lollipops!! LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!!!

Stacey said...

Chap is serious about his egg-hunting! And of course I love those lollipop pictures. Chapman makes me looks like he is demurely hiding his bare chest behind his lollipop. Such a cutie!

Caryn said...

Could those pictures be any more precious!!! - SO CUTE!

Sisco Family said...

cutest pics EVER!!! i still can not believe that there is not one girl in that group!

chapman is lookin' like such a little man! we miss your fam lots and hope to see one another soon!

sheltonfamily said...

How creative and a lollipop is a great idea! I love Chapman's new haircut. He looks so grown up!

Jen said...

So, so cute!! Colored lollipops are darling with the B/W!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are so great!!! I love the one of Chapman on the bottom of your post. :) Such a cutie!! We need to have a playdate soon!

Donnell Days said...

I just smile everytime I see these pictures! Chapman looks so sweet with his it!